Sunday, January 29

"Oh Shit." (While Knitting) UPDATED


My good friend Sperb published a list of famous quotations from his mother which included the above. I can relate.

I am about to be sucked into the vortex of the Knitting Olympics. My children will remember this.

Son of a mother fucking bitch. (while knitting)

Tentative Pattern: Classic Elite 802 (the oatmeal cardigan shown above) Oh shit (while swatching). The yarn I have, and which I love, has a white fleck in it which makes all stitch definition disappear. Will have to go with a simpler pattern (now doesn't that smell like a cop out?) But seriously. I do still plan to knit that lovely cardigan, probably in some Wool of the Andes or Cascade 220. It will have to be a smooth, solid worsted wool without a fleck.


Plan B: Nancie Wiseman's diagonal knit coat from Knitted Sweaters for Every Season, page 80. Still a challenge, but AL is right. Cables are psychotic for this event.

Yarn: Have not figgered that out yet. Cestari 2 ply worsted, natural dark chocolate, and no, Ray Nagin did not pick the color.

I love this yarn. It's got some yak blended with the wool. So soft. Hand washes beautifully.

Insanity level: (still) extremely high.

Seriously, Akabini, you know what my life is like. And AL, you have had a child. I have THREE, ages 7, 3, and 23 months. And a husband. WHAT a husband. Yi.

I am toast.

Yeah, I'll join Team Wales, too. Anything where I get to be in the same club with Akabini AND Franklin. Omigod.


Bye. Gotta swatch.


  1. wait . . . seriously . . . I have to stop laughing. OK, so you've got me trumped easily on the child front, but I'll see your husband and raise you - TWENTY. The main reason I joined this crazy competition was to show him what it's like to live with a (semi)professional athlete. I've been practicing with my heart rate monitor and I can almost get it into the fat-burning zone while doing stockinette. But, cables!?! Girl, you are just plain beserk.

    Here's my desperation strategy: I'm with Team Norway and they are seven hours ahead of us, so, I can legally cast-on early, then defect back to Team USA and gain ANOTHER seven hours.

    I cheat at board games, too. Is that wrong?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The Li'l Green Sprout published something? Where? Certainly not online... he's been asking me to set him up with some CMS for his students, and I've been telling him to just get a blog. Did he do it?

  4. Glad you've come to your senses, sort of. What time zone are you knitting in? Wales? AL? or Tacoma?

  5. My wife may love this knitting Olympics. She's a champion knitter but I'm always tripping on her yarn and sitting on her circular needles.


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