Congratulations to Paul the Spud of Adventures of the Smart Patrol, for his lovely post, "Blindsided. Again." A great many bloggers have commented on Condi's lack of, how can we help but be ironic here, intelligence regarding the Hamas win in the Palestinian elections. But Paul puts this stupidity in a larger perspective, with grace, directness, and most impressively, without a single shoe joke.
Regular Blue Gal readers know that the Don't Sugarcoat It award is for direct, frank, and not necessarily obscene political discourse, usually directed against the current administration.
Paul the Spud sums up the current administration this way:
You've got to wonder how they find their fucking front doors and make it to work intact.
Blue Gal does not claim to be a complete authority on obscenity. She was actually checking out her own blog today when someone noted from a remote computer that her screen had an obscenity on it and shut down the public machine she was using. This is not on the same par as being spied on by Halliburton, as those lucky ducks at the Platypus Pool were, but hey.
So here is Blue Gal's primer on one obscene word. Perhaps this will become a regular feature. We'll see.
Used appropriately in a sentence (should not cause spies to shut down public computers)
Wow, trying to control the make-up of the Supreme Court when you've already lost the White House and the Senate sure is a motherfucker.
Those internet spies at Halliburton. Whatta buncha motherfuckers.
INAPPROPRIATE use (feel free to shut down my computer now)
Yo, internet spies at Halliburton! I hope while you're spying on my internet, a drunken Iraqi terrorist fucks your mother!
The last sentence there is not nice, people. Be nice with your obscenities, and you may win an award.
I still don't get it. Is this correct usage, or not:
ReplyDeleteBlue gal writes a motherfucking good poem.
Thanks ;o)
Go to the comments section here to read the poem he's talking about, kids.