Wednesday, February 4

The Paul Krugman We'd Like to See (NSFW VIDEO MASHUP)

Would be if he went all Christian Bale on us. Link points to original cuss-laden audio.

h/t Tengrain.

I repeat. This video is not safe for work.


  1. Great job... I love it.. I wish sometimes we could all do that with the media and the stupid talking heads...why is it we can't seem to get our point across??

    Yet, it is always the "Liberal Media" but all you ever hear are the right wing talking points. I sure can't figure it out.

  2. I agree with the sentiment. I Snuffulopolus and the rest of them all need their asses handed to them. They're all full of shit.

  3. Anonymous9:44 AM


    If I hadn't just gone to the bathroom, I would be in oh such serious trouble here. That is F_____G BRILLIANT!!!

    By the way...who was Christian Bail?

  4. Fuckin' awesome, BG!

  5. Let the second guessing for no good reason begin!

  6. Who is that tax-cut lady? Because 1986 called, they want the hair back.

  7. Personally, a little bit of slappin' around would've been a nice touch too. Now there's a scene: Paul Krugman listening intently at George Will, glancing to his left then reach over and slap the shit outta him.

    Great clip, BG. I think it's time to go all pitchfork and torches on these people!

  8. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I love it!

    Here is a Krugman scene I would like to see.

  9. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Worthy of an Oscar nomination.


  10. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I would pay money, cash dollars as we used to say in my hometown, to have someone say that to Cokie Roberts.

    Hell, I'd pay cash dollars to say it myself.



  11. Prof. Krugman has way more patience than I do. When my inner dialogue is like the Christian Bale clips, I can't speak coherently. I have little doubt that at some point in that roundtable, Krugman's would have been. It's a good thing I'm not talking to those ignoramuses.

    I'm just thankful they decided to include one person in that roundtable who knew what he was talking about.

  12. Ms. BlueGal I hope you don't mind I shared your video with my blog reading audience. I just about fell out of my chair when I watched it this morning before class.

    I wrote a little blurb about my opinion on the matter.

    I am an economist, and it frustrates me to no end when people butcher the study of economics for their own political agenda. But when you consider Economics is one of the most loathed classes in high school its no wonder that America is woefully economics illiterate.

  13. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Fuckin' beautiful. Those actually are my words when listening to the usual co-conspirators blather on as in the clip. I only wish someone would call them out like that for repeating their shit for brains rethug crap.

  14. This is the kind of thing that needs a broadcast network built around it :-)

  15. adore it! i wish someone would show some spine!


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