Monday, October 19

Bargain of the Day

For the low, low price of $12.99, you can own a high quality 4X6 lustre print of Peggy Noonan, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, James Baker, and Henry Kissinger snubbing John McCain at the Reagan Foundation Dinner held at the US Capitol Building.

It's brought to you by Washington Life Magazine, which has it categorized on its "blog" under, and I am not making this up, "Pol-lywood Events."

Some Mondays, satire just fails me.


  1. Thank Dawg, that was last summer! I'd hate to think I missed a Noonan sighting.



  2. I'm going to purchase and frame that for my baby girl's room!

  3. Hey Ten, looks like the Nooner is getting a bit, um, ragged. Sad. She'll never bag a frat boy now.

  4. i'll photoshop one for you for 99 cents


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