GMB at I can't believe it's not a democracy! says what needs to be said. Beltway whores freak out over being called whores.
Anyone who wants to make that into an anti-feminist comment can bite me. Joe Lieberman is a whore. It's the term I choose, as a writer and a feminist, to describe what he is doing to SELL OUT AMERICA. If in this era of deep change and national crisis certain feminists choose to sit on their vaginas and debate nomenclature because "words have power"? Glad your trust fund allows you all that time to major in women's studies, sister.
I really think that's the silver lining in this healthcare debate, is the uncovering of just how much lobbyists OWN the Congress. The whole "take your country back" thing?
If only.
I knew you'd find a silver lining, BG.
ReplyDeleteIt's more golden though, for them, isn't it?
Politicians spend every day asking for money for their next campaign. Even they will tell you they feel like whores.
ReplyDeleteWhore is a good word to describe the DC Villagers, it just the comment was aimed at a woman, who sells her soul (Enron, etc) not her body.
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap.
ReplyDeleteMy contempt for Joe Lieberman is infinite and eternal.
Whores have power to move people.
Thanks for the link, Blue Gal. There was much hand wringing at Daily Kos over Grayson calling a woman lobbyist a whore. Fortunately more people understood that Grayson wasn't commenting on the fact that she is female, but was focusing on the fact that she had been a lobbyist for ENRON for fucks sake. anyhow, as someone there pointed out (repeatedly, because he had to) one definition (the third) of a whore was someone who was a "venal and unscrupulous person." Grayson was right. Linda Robertson, former Enron lobbyist and current Fed lobbyist, is a whore. As for the handwringers, haven't they heard anyone use the term corporate whore or media whore? Hell, that's the only way I use the word whore.
ReplyDeleteIn the words of a former Prime Minister of my country, 'There's no whore like an old whore' - and Joseph Isadore Lieberman is a very old whore indeed.
I loathe Lieberman.... who is indeed a whore, and a sick bastard for playing with the public option health care accessibility in this way.
ReplyDeleteThat was a tip-worthy post...so I did. Tip, that is.
ReplyDeleteThank you for not being a pants-wetting (panty-wetting? LOL) idiot about the use of the term "whore." I swear, when reactionary neanderthals like the RedState clowns start protesting about the despicable treatment of women by Grayson, you know you're on to something.
Boo Hoo, somebody called somebody a whore!
ReplyDeleteGrayson opens his mouth and says something stupid again.
ReplyDeleteThis is news?
This is the same multimillionaire Congressman who complains that the 'evil Republicans' are wishing their neighbors would die.
Here's an idea: why don't Democratic millionaires and billionaires like Alan Grayson, John and Teresa Kerry, George Soros, Warren Buffet, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, the Kennedys, Jane Harman, Barbara Boxer, Stephen Bing, the rest of the Hollywood elite all get together and buy an insurance company and show us all how to run it the 'right way'?
Just buy one and cut premiums drastically to prove that it can be done the way they are claiming others should've been doing it.
Maybe if he put his money where his mouth is he'd have fewer idiotic remarks.
Stoopid troll alert!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy not just allow a universal public option or Medicare-level coverage for all the needy, Joe? And you don't have to join - trust me - no one will miss your participation.
Not enough extra moolah for your Pharma buddies?
Sad times.
Go take a shower.
Just buy one and cut premiums drastically to prove that it can be done the way they are claiming others should've been doing it.
Obama already cut a deal with Big Pharma.
ReplyDeleteAre you lovin' him for it?