Monday, January 28

Bay Buchanan, Real Estate Agent, for real!

Bay Buchanan has abandoned political punditry for the world of Beltway Real Estate. (h/t Blogenfreude) She's got a 25-year-old picture on her website. Also, no mention of her "work" with Romney.


Confession: I genuinely feel sorry for the old battle axe. Where's her wingnut welfare? No imaginary desk at the Heritage Foundation for an (admittedly insane, but she could phone it in) trooper, Jim DeMint, you hemorrhoidal fuckface?

Friday, January 25

Three years ago this week

I published this photoshop, "Hare Reid, Leadership Down." Plus ca change, plus la meme chose.

Ep 164 The Professional Left Podcast

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Friday, January 18

Ep 163 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

GOP Retreat has "bad optics."

It's the corruption.

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Friday, January 11

Ep 162 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Driftglass:  Everybody goes to Rachel's

SE Cupp can't answer why civilians need assault rifles.

Crazy gunz and ammo CEO will "start killing people." 

Jon Stewart compares gun control to drunk driving.  

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Friday, January 4

Ep 161 The Professional Left Podcast

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the podcast.  Thanks for your listenership and support!  We really appreciate it: