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Bill Scher: Republican primaries are part of the SCOTUS resistance.
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The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the Professional Left Podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support!
...seems apt for this primary season and our politics in general. To paraphrase:
There's no point in allowing our "concerns" to rob us of our peace. I think we sometimes enshrine our own emotional reactions to wrong, and it blocks us from doing what we can to change things.
Remember ma hunnies, one can be enraged over lead in the water.... and funding for children with autism... and death in Gaza and elsewhere.... (this scene from Henry V shows a war crime, the murder of servant boys on the field of battle)...
...and yet not know the day is ours: "Praised be God, and not our strength for it."
And I hope you watched to the end, when even the victorious King himself is reminded that he is no more than a leek-wearing Welshman. And that his honesty is his most important quality.
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