Friday, October 31

Ep 256 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Bible Bitch:  Philippians 2.

Esquire Magazine:  The "Both Sides" is strong with this Republican Congress

Minnesota Congressional race and the triumph of Centrism.

Charlie Pierce:  people agree w/ Liberals on issues but now "trust" Republicans more?!?

Moderate centrists really were an illusion all along.

Joan Walsh takes a turn at the David Brooks pinata.

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Thursday, October 30

Happy Birthday, Driftglass ( @mr_electrico ). Best Husband Ever.

I love you very much.  

PS. We're recording the podcast tonight, don't forget.

PPS.  Andrea can still eat her heart out.

Readers:  Please leave your best wishes over at his place.  Thanks.

Friday, October 24

Ep 255 The Professional Left Podcast

From the Pew Study linked below

Links for this episode:

Charlie Pierce on Ben Bradlee

Pew study on politics and trusting the media.

Cokie’s Law - Republican lies must be “debated” as valid arguments.  

Science Fiction University:  Mayberry in Star Trek.

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the Professional Left Podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support!

Friday, October 17

Ep 254 The Professional Left Podcast

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the Professional Left Podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support!

Friday, October 10

Ep 253 The Professional Left Podcast

Link for this Episode:

Walmart loves Solar as long as they own the sun.

The button below allows listeners to throw a contribution specifically towards the Professional Left Podcast. Thanks for your listenership and support!

Friday, October 3

Ep 252 The Professional Left Podcast

Link for this Episode:

Daily Kos:  Why not call out Republicans as crazy?  (Bernie Sanders and voter turnout).

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