Thursday, March 26

Ep 277 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

The Nightly Show - Lewis Black and evangelical “respect.”

David Kaib’s twitter stream  (rhymes with vibe, my apologies)

Jesus gets corrected by the Phoenician woman

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Friday, March 20

Ep 276 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Aaron Schock will be successful if he doesn’t go to jail...says his dad?  And he should have shopped at Big R’s.

Mickey Kaus discovers there is gambling at Rick’s.

Starbucks Race Discussion thing backfires as expected.

The crazy lady and Rick Santorum

Chuck Todd opines to Jeff Greenfield, who says Rush Limbaugh is just an entertainer.

Charlie Pierce on Tom Friedman.
Kendrick Lamar’s mother worries about losing Section 8 housing.

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Friday, March 13

Ep 275 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Driftglass:  I hate it when Billionaire Mommy and Daddy Fight
Wonkette:  Fox News Asks Why People Aren’t Getting Married
Paul Krugman’s reach-around punch to David Brooks
A liberal rag takes on the #47traitors
Driftglass recommends this interview with Patton Oswalt

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Friday, March 6

Ep 274 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Tengrain on Jennifer Rubin (The Jennicide)

Malcolm Berko goes there on Capitalism and Wall Street Banks.

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