Friday, April 24

Ep 281 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Ted Cruz says it's going to be Lord of the Flies for the next 20 months.

John McCain hates Rand and hates Cruz.

Seventeen Magazine and Millennial politics

Judith Miller is a liar, but you knew that.

Bible Bitch Psalm 49

David Brooks recycles his “That Young Man Would Make a Fine President” column

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Friday, April 17

Ep 280 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Hillary vs the Pures see also  Charlie Pierce:  Amy Goodman helps outline the Hillary Debate.

Comment at Driftglass about "cuts for those people not for us."

Governor Hedgefund cuts autism funding on World Autism Day

David Brooks on Privacy...or he wants to date a cop.  Not sure which.

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Friday, April 10

Ep 279 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

New Yorker Article on Inequality

Ben Carson's interview about Walter Scott shooting - "both sides!"

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Friday, April 3

Ep 278 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Psycho Super Mom actually wrote the lyrics for “Scary Indiana”
Rick Perlstein’s The Invisible Bridge (also on Audio Book)
Maine’s Governor scrubs transcripts of his Stephen King accusations.

Science Fiction University suggestion:  Heinlein’s Glory Road
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