BG commenter Chris in Seattle just started his own blog, The Great Endarkenment. Added to the blogroll, Chris. Go say hi and as per usual, leave the comments over there.
Off topic--Shakesville is down. I e-mailed Melissa and learned it's a denial-of-service attack.
If we, the sane, ever regain control of the government, we need to turn some of its resources [Carnivore, maybe?] to finding these cyber-crooks. If some of these digital storm-troopers were frog-marched out of their parents' basements on national TV, prosecuted, and convicted, I reckon the incidence of such attacks would decline steeply.
Meanwhile, could it be time for "I am Spartacus" again?
You Are Basic Panties |
![]() You are a laid back chick with a real natural beauty. You can make unwashed hair and minimal make-up super sexy. Men tend to notice you show the "real you" - and they appreciate it. And while basic makes boring for some, it looks classic on you. |
New(ish) blogger: It's just that you are awesome and you teach this old lady stuff. And thanks for that.
NB: I feel like a bitch, though. That was actually written because a friend of mine who doesn't update often actually bitches that he is not getting hits.
He probably won't see himself in there though, because people like that never do.
He actually yelled at ME.
I don't take kindly to that shit. I have better things to do with my time than check his site a couple times a day to see IF he FINALLY wrote a new post.
NB: Twice a day? Oh, fuck me. I'm dead.
I went to one "blogger party" to meet some independent thinkers and it was nothing more than an elitist circle jerk. That's the difference between revolution and reform. Reform seeks only to make things better within the existing construct. Mainstream bloggers don't really want to overhaul this division of labor which sets the media above the people. No, they benefit from this separation, and make it appear even bigger with congratulatory speech on just how important they've become in the past few years.
The thing:
1. Go to http://www.popculturemadness.com/Music/
2. Down the left column pick the year you turned 18
3. Get yourself nostalgic/enraged over the songs of the year
4. Write something about how the songs affected you
5. Pass it on to 5 more friends (And because I suck at picking five people, regular readers/commenters - You're IT! And you know who you are.)
Putney Swope is a 1969 film written and directed by Robert Downey Sr. and starring Arnold Johnson as Swope. Swope is the only black man on the executive board of an advertising firm, and is accidentally put in charge after the death of the chairman of the board. In particular, following the unexpected death of the chair, the other members of the board believed that each of them, individually, should be elected to the board. However, the bylaws of the corporation prohibit voting for oneself for the chair, so each individual member voted in a secret ballot for the person that no one else would vote for, i.e., Putney Swope.
Renaming the business "Truth and Soul, Inc.", Swope replaces all but one of the white employees and insists they no longer accept business from companies that produce alcohol, war toys, or tobacco. The success of the business draws unwanted attention from the United States Government, which considers it "a threat to the national security."
As someone who loves this film, I want to post a warning: it's very much a product of its time, which means that you may find some of the characterizations to be somewhat racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted -- because they are.
And if you're ok with all that, you should also check out Downey's other masterpiece, Greaser's Palace.
Indeed, Democrats' best hopes for 2008 and beyond may not be in mobilizing a "religious left," which will inevitably be smaller than its conservative counterpart -- [David] Kuo calls it a "corner grocery" to the right's "Wal-Mart." Rather, the Democrats could make inroads by luring moderate evangelicals and Catholics who once voted Democratic but have drifted away.
Will this work? Think of it as the Democrats' own faith-based initiative.
On the May 30 edition of his CNN show, Lou Dobbs previewed his response to a scathing New York Times article about him, by saying “We’ll tell you who’s really telling the truth and who the commies are and who the fascists are, who have the temerity to attack me.”