First of all, thank you so much for those who have responded to my fundraiser.
"Thanks to you, we've raised $70,000 and over fifty people signed up to volunteer. We hope to raise $500,000 before the primary."***
Oh, wait, that's not me, that's Illinois 5th Congressional District (Rahm's old seat) candidate (and domestic terrorist, obviously) Tom Geoghegan. I was (for real) on a blogger
Geoghegan prounounces his name gay-gun which would make red state heads explode if Tom's policies didn't already. Two words, my friends: Labor. Lawyer.
Mr. Geoghegan is absolutely correct on lots of things, and I like him. He's humble and realistic enough to say that getting a left-wing progressive elected to this seat at this point in time is more important than anything he'll be able to do as a rookie congressman. And he introduced me to a reframing of the healthcare debate that I consider a big plate of awesome:
If businesses want a bailout, let the government take healthcare off their hands, by creating a single payer system. That's yer Wall Street/Main Street Win-Win bailout right there.
He said stuff along the same lines re: pensions. It was then that my four-year-old, who, when Geoghegan said "pensions are being cut to the bone", thought he said "penchant for annoying mommy-on-the-phone," and proceeded to demonstrate. Sorry I hadda hang up on you, Tom honey. I'm your newest Facebook friend.
***But like Geoghegan, I'm fundraising this week, and unlike the Congressional candidate, during my quarterly fundraiser I'm only asking for nine dollar donations, and I won't save your email addy to hit you up for more. So for what Geoghegan is paying for, oh, three seconds of ad-time in the Chicago media market, you can say you paid your share for three months of Blue Gal. (Sucha bargain!)
Thank you.
I have Tom Geoghegan's book, and I read it last year. It's called Which Side Are You On?: Trying to Be For Labor When It's Flat On It's Back, and it's an inspiring read.