I can't decide which makes me more flabbergasted: the commenter at this thread who thinks the Palestinians are suffering because of bad karma, or the blogger currently beating Driftglass for best individual blogger (The Anchoress) who said:
"I. Love. Boosh. Deal with it. I think we’ll miss him, in many ways, when he departs and even you folks on the left should be somewhat impressed (if you can be at all generous) at the predictably classy, gentlemanly way he is having his administration assist in the transition to Obama."
I gotta give it to the commenter. If I hit your family with a phosphorus bomb, then tell you to your face that you are suffering because you and your people have bad karma...
Dang, I'm breaking my prayer and fasting resolution again. Sorry.
I don't pretend that voting one way or the other in the silly Weblog Awards will bring karma to anyone, good or bad. But it makes me feel good to think we can defeat Bush lovers again like we did in November. Vote for Driftglass (and to those who support Lindsey Beyerstein good on you...but Drifty is coming in a strong second in this race. FYI.)
I'm no longer campaigning for my Weblog award. If I beat out Taylor Marsh for eleventh place (woo hoo!), I'm satisfied.
PS Another way to help Driftglass if you're on big orange is to recommend this diary. It may make a difference. Thanks.
'I. Love. Boosh.'
ReplyDelete...And Bush loves you too, sweetheart.
Q: Why are the streets of Lebanon lined with Cedars?
ReplyDeleteA: So that the Israelis can march in the shade!
karma??? oh my gods!!!!
ReplyDeletehow about an abundance of hate.
hmmm.... so gentlemanly he and laura vetoed letting the obama's use the white house guest house for a week or so to let the little obamas start school. but, i digress from my other point, bad karma? no matter where you stand on the issue- and i will leave my opinions at my place- i don't think karma would have anything to do with muslim or jewish religions. but that might just be me.
ReplyDeleteI voted for Driftglass, but you're better!
ReplyDeleteUnder The LobsterScope
Noooo Btchakir. I kneel on humble knee before Driftglass. But thanks.
ReplyDeleteThe Peeper said vote for you 'cause you're STILL the Meanest Mommy.
ReplyDeleteSo I did.
"I. Love. Boosh. Deal with it. I think we’ll miss him, in many ways, when he departs and even you folks on the left should be somewhat impressed (if you can be at all generous) at the predictably classy, gentlemanly way he is having his administration assist in the transition to Obama."
ReplyDeleteUnless this means that we should be impressed that Bush finally figured out how to kinda sorta do something right, we're going to have a hard time mustering up praise for his show of basic courtesy, especially considering the Blair House nonsense.
"predictably classy, gentlemanly way he is having his administration assist in the transition to Obama."
He refused to allow the Obama family to stay in Blair House when no one was booked there (the Australian PM was booked in the 179-room building after the refusal).
Boosh also classily assisted the incoming team by embedding cronies in Civil Service jobs from which they can't be removed, issuing last minute bonehead executive orders to circumvent anticipated Obama policies, and generally sitting on his ass about pending problems so they are even bigger when the new administration moves it.
If only all adminstrations were so "gentlemanly".
I put my humble vote in for you too BG (every day), and imagine my surprise.
Don't fret; you'll win next year!
How could Dg not win hands down?
Driftglass is up on the other guy as of Saturday Night. Yay!