Thanks to Chris Martin of Potlach Celebration for the idea on this one.
Dear Friends:
I just registered for the BlogHer panel and I'd be happy to participate in the panel on Womanhood post-Sarah Palin.
I write for several blogs, most notably Crooks and Liars, which was just named one of the top 25 blogs in America by Time Magazine.
I was a finalist for "Best Liberal Blogger" at the 2008 Weblog awards for my own blog, Blue Gal.
I am also a noted YouTube filmmaker, and my video "A blogger responds to Sarah Palin" currently has over 19,000 views.
Feel free to contact me if you need any other information.
With all good wishes,
Another local resident asked Shelby if there was any truth to a rumor that appeared during the presidential campaign concerning Obama’s U.S. citizenship, or lack thereof.Setting aside the whole "they said" bullshit, who knew Shelby was bilingual? He seems to speak English very well for someone whose NATIVE language is Klanese. And, by the way, everyone in that formerly whites-only, betcha, restaurant, knew the code. What does "born in America" really mean, Senator?
“Well his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven’t seen any birth certificate,” Shelby said. “You have to be born in America to be president.”
According to the Associated Press, state officials in Hawaii checked health department records during the campaign and determined there was no doubt Obama was born in Hawaii.Well, yeah, but does Hawaii really count? You know, even Cokie Roberts thinks Hawaii is kinda, you know, exotic. And pass the pork rinds, we all know what THAT stands for.
President Obama has failed to deliver on his campaign statements. When creating his Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, Obama failed to adequately prevent harmful discrimination on the basis of religion by government grantees. Although President Obama had originally proposed a new take on the Faith-Based Initiative, one that will not maintain the constitutional and civil rights pitfalls of the Bush Administration, the executive order he signed last week leaves the entire architecture of the Bush Faith-Based Initiative intact - every rule, every regulation, every executive order. And thanks to an aggressive anti-civil rights push from the Department of Justice near the end of the Bush Administration, nearly every social service tax dollar distributed by the government can be used for discriminatory hiring. In a time of unprecedented need, this is even more unacceptable than ever.
You are a Peace Patroller, also known as an anti-war liberal or neo-hippie. You believe in putting an end to American imperial conquest, stopping wars that have already been lost, and supporting our troops by bringing them home.
Take the quiz at www.FightConservatives.com
No Blue Gal you probably don't want to do that even though it's punny because my company makes "hat tips" that are sex toys that are chocolate. The best selling item involves chocolate viking hats for boy's private parts. And they're funny, but I totally understand you wouldn't want to expose your readers to something like that or blogroll it. I totally understand.
What makes this particularly appalling and inexcusable is that Senate Democrats had long vehemently opposed the use of the "state secrets" privilege in exactly the way that the Bush administration used it in this case, even sponsoring legislation to limits its use and scope. Yet here is Obama, the very first chance he gets, invoking exactly this doctrine in its most expansive and abusive form to prevent torture victims even from having their day in court, on the ground that national security will be jeopardized if courts examine the Bush administration's rendition and torture programs -- even though (a) the rendition and torture programs have been written about extensively in the public record; (b) numerous other countries have investigated exactly these allegations; and (c) other countries have provided judicial forums in which these same victims could obtain relief.The only thing I have to add is, this is why we bloggers still say
Middle child did a particularly (and unusually) neat job on a 'printing her letters' assignment for school. I sat down next to her with her gold-starred paper in hand and praised her as mommies do. She looked down at her knees and frowned: "I had help with that." "That's okay, who helped you?" "My twenty imaginary friends. Would you like to meet them?" She pointed to spots in the air and rattled off lovely names with lots of vowels. I knew at last she lived in a lovely safe world where her writing would always be legible.**
They're rushing, well, as fast as the Illinois State Legislature can rush, what wit da holidaze an' all, to get Governor Blagojevich out of office.
This coming February marks the 200th birthday of Abraham Lincoln. Kind of a big deal in Illinois. We don't need no crooks on the dais, if ya know what I mean. (What is it about Blago that makes me and everyone else write like we're mobsters?)
The three magic words that get more done faster than any other at the state and local level, my friends: "Bad for tourism."
Off topic: Am I the only one who can't understand why media thinks Michelle Obama is economizing by decorating via Pottery Barn? I love me some Michelle Obama, but every table in my living room came from the GOOD WILL.
And I hear fellow blogger Arianna Huffington is so broken up about the economy she took only Barbara Ehrenreich books on her Kindle to Davos.