Friday, February 15

Betcha can't watch the whooole thing. Click here. But I betcha.

Even my friends who support...oh nevermind.


  1. The second time through I got all the way to forty seconds. A personal best.

  2. I wonder if it's consciously on purpose bad though because I've already linked it twice.

  3. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Hey, I think those kids used to come and perform at my grade school. I think their name was "Up With People!"


  4. Wow, that Clinton lady is so darn hip!

  5. Oh, my eyes! Lasted all of 34 seconds...

  6. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Given that my job puts me in contact with lots and lots of people who say they're making "a positive change in the lives of young people"(which I believe is open to debate) I see lots of these so I had no trouble making it all the way through.

    In fact - and it's alarming when you think about it - is that this video is about half the length of the ones I usually see and twice as good.

  7. You folks have stronger stomachs than I. I barely made 21 seconds.

  8. So I admit that it almost sent me into a diabetic coma, BUT, it was kind of a nice change from the local ads we were subjected to in Maryland for the last few weeks about which Republican congressional candidate is a closet liberal! I felt like taking a shower after watching those ads! Total creepiness!

  9. Anonymous1:35 PM

    lasted 1.2 seconds but then I'm male,

    Excuse me I gotta take a nap


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Okay, let's try that again...

    Is THAT where all that money went?

    So is that Up With People, or is it The Mike Curb Congregation?

    Gaak. Hideous.

  12. I bet they all went out to the root beer stand for soda pop after, followed by a rousing round of 'double dutch'.


  13. Lord, that video made me want to run out and vote.

    For Ron Paul.

    Ack. (I got to halfway)

  14. Fifteen seconds.

    Jeepers. She sure is a great candidate. Wouldn't she do one heckuva job, Ward?

  15. Since I appear to be the only person who watched the video to the end I guess the rest of you missed the part where Bill moons everyone. You've got to watch to the very end to see it!


  16. Oh, and Sue J, we should talk ... I'm in Maryland, too.


  17. It's worse than getting rick rolled.

  18. What the FUCK did I ever do to you?

  19. Oh my god! I just saw this over at Skippy's, and I had to stop!

    As I said over there, at least the Dem national conventions don't need to pan over the same black guy over and over again, though.

  20. Help! My eyes... my ears...

    Beam me up, Scotti!

    You were right. I couldn't make it to the end. But, now I have to go watch an Alan Keyes video just to get those sounds and pictures out of my head.

    "Hill... lore... reeeee for you and me!"


  21. Okay, I have posted this at my two places, and blamed you. I'll see you and Skippy in hell.


  22. Anonymous7:49 PM

    3 seconds was all I could take. I bet her people think it's great and will get the youngsters away from Obama to their camp. Yes, I think they are that clueless.

  23. yeah well.... then there's that....

  24. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I watched and listened to the whole thing on the first try.

    But I also used to really love the theme songs from cartoons when I was a kid. This song reminded me of one, but I cannot put my finger on which one.



  25. I watched it long enough to figure out whether it was a spoof (it wasn't).

  26. Gee whiz gang, I kinda liked it - watched the whole darned thing!

    I thought it was a refreshing break from the usual stuff, like "talent" and "substance."

    Plus, there was a Babe at 0:26, so I had to keep watching in case she showed up again ;)

  27. Anonymous1:30 PM

    it's one of those things that's so bad, you have to share it.

    you know what i'm talking about, like when you find something that tastes really disgusting, and you turn to your friend and say "ew....try this."

    misery is best when shared. although as CR points out, the babe at 0.26 was pretty cute. too bad commander other is married. luckily, Mrs. Other is a Hillary fan. i didn't share the video with her Hillary needs SOME supporters out here in the boonies, after all.

    i made it through the whole thing, but only because my son and daughter were down here in the office, and the impromptu dance party was much more fun than actually picking up their crap prior to another untimely visit from the realtor.

  28. Anonymous1:33 PM

    'Grain: it's a rip from "ABC, 123" or whatever it was called, by the Jackson Five.

    way to date ourselves, lol.


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