No, I don't think it's too early to pray for her. Overdue, actually. I also love this photo. Shows her warmth, which she also showed us at the end of the Austin debate. Her best moment ever, in my opinion.
And I'm not too big on Paul, frankly, but this (with my emphasis) is kinda nice in this context:
I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
This post is part of a week-long, sincere, support/prayer vigil for the Democratic Party Blogswarm.
that really is a striking photo!
ReplyDeleteAn excellent point and one that reminds me yet again that I need to refocus my energies away from petty divisiveness to the common good.
ReplyDeleteI err, therefore I am human.
Good photo, indeed.
ReplyDelete"Shows her warmth, which she also showed us at the end of the Austin debate. Her best moment ever, in my opinion."
ReplyDeleteI am convinced that was her, and not her shitbag campaign staff.
Everybody's young once
Yup, it's a great photo.
ReplyDeleteAnd then she ahd to go and make an ass of herself with that "Shame on you, Barack Obama" crap on Saturday.
If you're going to falsely accuse someone of stealing other people's lines, you'd better expect them to hit back.
I don't hate Hillary Clinton: it's her sense of entitlement I cannot stand.
No, I won't be doing any special praying for her. I do my praying for the whole country.
Duh. Okay. The prayer was not about Ms. Clinton. My bad.
ReplyDeleteQD - don't get me started.
ReplyDeleteIt's like that little kid in grade school who keeps pinching your arm during a school program ... and when you ask them to stop, you get in trouble with the teacher for talking out loud during the program.
Actually, the prayer is about Senator Clinton. Specifically. For me, anyway. I hope and pray things go well for her, but as was pointed out in today's NYT, one person wins. I think those with eyes open, including her, realize which way this is gonna go.
ReplyDeleteShe's got to make a choice about her future and, I pray, stop listening to her shitbag handlers (thanks Physioprof, you're always good for a mot juste) who incidentally, are keeping the fax machines in Austin hot with their resumes, I've heard.
Blue Gal:
ReplyDeleteI realize I'm late in the news cycle, but Patriotboy has a couple of e-mail addresses for folks who would like to let Hillary's shitbag staff know what we think of them.
I was impressed with her at the end of the Austin debate, too.
ReplyDeleteI *wish* she hadn't made the Xerox comment, though. Gah!
If I have a prayer for Hillary Clinton it's that she recognize when it's over and that she not destroy what may be our last chance to keep this country from becoming a Republican totalitarian dictatorship.
ReplyDeleteShe would make a fantastic Senate Majority leader. She might make an excellent cabinet member. She can have a distinguished career and be an elder statesman -- or she can go down in history as the one who handed the White House back to a guy who represents President 19%'s third term.
It's her choice.
So if I'm going to pray for her, it's that she recognize that she has much to contribute and that if she is never president, she can serve this country just as well in other ways.
And then I'm going to pray that no Democratic candidate ever again hires these loser consultants to run his/her campaign.
I am feeling a lot less sanguine today than when you wrote this.
Thanks, Gal,
ReplyDeleteFor taking us by the hand up to the high road; always best in the darkest hour. "Change you can zerox" not withstanding, I wanted to believe she understood what honoring the presence of Barack Obama on the same stage really entailed; but that was dashed to pieces by the angry "Shame on you Barack Obama" foot-shooting incident the next day. Well then.
By now, the kitchen sink (no doubt full of ill-conceived prayers) is whistling its way through the air in Ohio. Will it apply directly to Obama's forehead? Probably. Will it hurt him? Not nearly as much as it will her.
"And everything looks worse in black and white."
—Paul Simon