Merry Christmas. Blue Gal is in the Pacific Northwest enjoying rain and clouds and weather so warm the daisies are in bloom.
Make sure you read GQ's interview with Jimmy Carter. He can't stay silent and neither can we.
One of the nicest blessings of this year is the friends I have made as a result [of blogging]. It turns out the blogosphere is not a vast impersonal blob; smart, funny, warmhearted people are writing wonderfully online.
Ending with a thought on that "War on Christmas": saying "happy holidays" is not anti-Christmas. Celebrating one big stressed-out greed festival without thinking about Jesus even a little bit, is. Merry Christmas. May yours be happy, calm, and bright.
Fuck you, George W. Bush. Fuck you, Dick Cheney. Fuck you, Donald Rumsfeld. And fuck you, Condi Rice.
Does maturity mean that you [have to] find tactful ways to be an activist?
Do I worry unnecessarily that growing older means you don't want to fight anymore...or rather you know how to pick your battles?
See, I think of middle aged people as having lost their will to fight when they see injustice...but maybe it's that they manage to do so in less bullheaded, stubborn ways.
We also like Scott's idea for teaching evolution, history, etc. like evangelical preachers, to wit:
“Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, and it sparked a nationwide debate about evolution and man’s place in the world! Can I get an AMEN?!!”
The idea of random knitting arose out of contact with polymer theoreticians and a desire to create an unusual two-dimensional representation of a random network. The prospect of a meeting on polymers stimulated the production of the pullover shown here.