The end of this war is in sight, lefty bloggers.
We may see indictments this week, or next. Vice his own self may be involved.
Blue Gal is not sure whether to muse about
1972... or
You see, we are engaged in a great civil war. And having read so many of the lefty blogs out there, Blue Gal can see a pause, a stunned pause, as we embark on the righteous destruction of this insidious evil.
Blue Gal wants all of us to pause. Because we are about to lose the fun. This will not be fun, or funny. Saying "we told you so" is not nearly so fun as the smug outrage to which we have all become so addicted. When MSM begins to agree with us, we are no longer smarter than everyone else.
Yes, we shall prevail. Against the stolen election of 2000, against the lies which started the war in Iraq, against the tortured and uncounted souls of Abu Gharib and Guantanamo, against wickedness in high places.
Ah, Blue Gal is about to get Biblical. Nah, let's get Lincoln out here:
Now, we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that Nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us...that this Nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the People by the People and for the People shall not perish from the earth."
Blue Gal almost forgot that Lincoln put the "under God" stuff in there. He didn't "almost cross it out" before he gave the speech either. He did not worry about offending some Unitarian out there.
We lefty bloggers have a great task before us. Are we dedicated? Can we endure?
Are we humble enough to allow the great unwashed bastards who voted for Bush, to learn what we have known all along? Will we sit up with that sleepless weeping guilty throng during the long cold night of shame that our nation must now face? Those of us who pray have an even greater task. We must put our finger to our lips,
and pray.
Blue Gal has been oh so tempted, yes, by Satan, to believe that Brit Hume, O'Reilly, Vice, Rove, Rice, Rummy, Dubya, and company are such liars as to be themselves without souls. They celebrate an Iraqi constitution which may last three months while systematically dismantling our own model which has lasted two centuries. But, while they are bastards, they are also
human. And they will suffer for their sins, just as we all do. (Heck, Blue Gal's sins keep her busy 24/7.) Our nation of SUV's and cell phone cameras and botox injections and talking Christmas trees will suffer. We, ALL OF US, will be forced to face the vain, selfish,
evil within.
Take a moment, fellow leftys, to consider the battle ahead. As the tide turns in our favor, let us pause, and be humbly, humbly, grateful.