While we're still talking about Harry Taylor I wanna bring up what I said over at Quaker Agitator:
The reason the emperor was so dignified is because he learned that was the best way to diffuse a disagreement. Learned that from his old man. Also, it allows him to keep up the illusion that reasonable people can disagree with his law breaking, that it's just a matter of opinion and that like a caring father, he will do that which is unpleasant (wiretapping, leaking, invading, etc.) in order to "protect" his children from the big bad terrorists. This is the big lie and the American people on the whole are buying it. They want to think everything is okay so they can go back to voting for their favorite American Idol and feeling like they have a say in things. Bread and circuses, babe. I'm with Harry. "I have never felt more ashamed of, nor more frightened, by my leadership in Washington, including the presidency."
It's like if somebody shoots your spouse and you scream about it, then the assailant says, "Well, of course, you're entitled to your opinion, but I actually think I'm a pretty nice guy." The President is wiping his butt with the Constitution of the United States of America. He should be kicked outta office. Now.
I also think it's sad that we're not at a tipping point about this yet. That the Harry Taylors and Helen Thomases become instant blogospherian heroes is an indication of a vacuum of truth in the MSM universe. The tide is turning, but not fast enough for me.
i completely agree with you, bluegal. have you seen itmfa.com? we need to get it done!
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe you. When I saw the picture I posted at QA, I had also instantly thought of the Rockwell painting. Too weird. But not surprising.
ReplyDeleteBut it truly was a Rockwellian moment, unlike the Orwellian moment the Emperor makes everything else out to be...
Preach on, Bluegal! This isn't America anymore it's a police state dictatorship. How we will make it until HE is gone, I do not know.
ReplyDeletenotsoccermom I gave itmfa a special don't sugarcoat it award a little bit ago. Love it!
ReplyDeletequakerdave no way am I responsible for that comparison. It was all over Kos right away.
thanks for the rah rah, Anna!
So, just how do we speed up that tide, anyway?
ReplyDeletelike I said before, it seems that Bush could hold up the severed, bleeding head of John Kerry, and the Republicans would say something like, "John Kerry was a danger to national security - Bush is bravely defending the country! Don't you want to keep America safe? Why are you supporting the terrorists?"
ReplyDeletebtw Left Coaster has part of the answer for us here.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good post and worth reading. Leave him a comment and tell him Blue Gal sent ya.
Watching that video...Bush's smug look, his totally asenine body language, etc, made me so angry I was hoping harry would have put down the mic and said, "you know what, fuck this, I'm just going to walk over there and kick the shit out of you now."
ReplyDeleteThey knew that Mr. Taylor was the only one they let in. Mr. Tayolor was probably as surprised to be allowed entrance as the next anti-Bush, but have no doubt that Rove and company knew he was the only one let in and prepared Bush for the moment that they KNEW Taylor would say something polar opposite of the neocon. Bush was rehearsed and his answers were pat and his demeanor was a ruse. It is a shame that it had to be a rehearsed event, not Mr. Taylor's part, but the leader of the free worlds part! bush shall make the term "leader of the free world" an oxymoronic phrase, if it isn't already!
ReplyDeleteyou found the picture coinkydinks first. i dig your blog.