Wednesday, April 12

Just go see it...


Yeah, yeah, I am probably the last person on this blogosphere block to see V for Vendetta. But if you are thinking of waiting for Netflix on this one, don't. And don't read the reviewers who gave it a milquetoast review, either. Blue Gal loved it. Loved it.

If you need a fleshier review, check out Douglas's.


  1. Have yet to see it but am hearing some good things about it out inn the ether and here at home...

  2. Anonymous12:37 AM

    You da gal ;)

  3. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Oops. That was me.

  4. I haven't seen it yet either, but you're the second friend who has told me I must get myself to the theater. Maybe this weekend...

  5. I loved it TOO!

    and had a few *deep* bloggie discussions about the themes and such...but that's not necessary to *Get It* - JUST GO SEE IT!


  6. Anonymous7:00 PM

    The Psychotic Patriot noticed the addition to Shakespeare's Sister's roll, and followed the link over here, and lo... excellent intellectual stimulation with a leavening of snark, and I'm rolling you, too.

    Have a great weekend, and I'll be back.

    (Apparently right after the Technobabe™ and I see V For Vendetta.)


I really look forward to hearing what you have to say. I do moderate comments, but non-spam comments will take less than 24 hours to appear... Thanks!