Friday, August 29

God, I wish the Republican Party would stop trying to "target" women.

Original here and here.


  1. Lifts (your wallet) and separates (the cash).


  2. Inspires me to donate to Obama/Biden

  3. Anonymous11:14 AM


  4. The sexism begins. Gov. Sarah Palin is who she is -- the governor of a state, who happens to be under investigation, and clear not someone ready to be a heart beat away from the presidency. Gov. Jon Corzine said it best on Real Time with Bill Maher last night, that we should focus our disapproval on McCain, and his judgment in selecting someone not ready for the job.


  5. Oh BAC! Where I come from, ridiculing the "Dreamed I was in a Maidenform Bra" ad campaign is a feminist act! In fact, that's the most feminist post I wrote all week! Jiminy!

  6. In 1984, Geraldine Ferraro was the VP designate for a nano-second when pundits began referring to the ticket as "Fritz and tits." History repeats itself ... that's all I'm sayin'


  7. I didn't call anyone "Tits". I used a sexist ad campaign ironically to comment on how the Republican Party markets itself to women. The title of this post indicates, or at least I thought it did, to what the GOP would do given full license to market as they would choose...

    I also referred obliquely, but still, to Palin's ignorance of the job she aspires to and her solution to the nation's energy woes.

    But if I have to explain the joke, then it failed. Sigh. I am chastened to think of how many of us feminists it takes to screw in a lightbulb...


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