from a wonderful online gallery of "unmentionables"--tin can panties
ReddTurtle at INTOUS has moved her blog. She's now at Redd Turtles and Blue Ducks.
Finding her again (and she's a great blogger when she blogs hint hint) has led to a fecund topic: Redd is looking for inspiration for her blog. What to blog about, how to find a hook, etc. Perfect example of her cleverness, most recently she posts a suggestion box and then says "not a Diebold system". Most reassuring and funny, too. We love smart funny women here at BG.
I love how she posits her problem: "I’m interested in so much my brain is full." Join the club, and blog it down, baby. [BTW for another great example of a full brain blogging check out Douglas at Balls and Walnuts. He doesn't necessarily focus or have a hook and his blog is nonetheless cohesive and focussed.]
One thing I want to say to ReddTurtle and the rest of you: I think it's time to get beyond the idea that blogging is a rare and unusual process. If you're like me, you've been writing, cutting and pasting, giggling, and snarking your entire adult life, and perhaps even before that. A blog is a way to a larger, more immediate audience for what you've always done, but don't let that distract you from the fact that
You are an artist.
The blog is the medium. Sure it calls to you every day "feed me feed me feed me" but so does the easel or the darkroom or the yarn stash for other artists. The fact that it's a blog and that other people will see it, probably TODAY, really hangs up some people from actually saying something.
I really don't believe that there are "creative types" or "non-creative types". There is fear and there is ignoring the fear and doing it anyway. Most mornings I wake up and have no idea what I will post that day. It happens when I show up. My advice to ReddTurtle (and anyone else who is blogging or creating in some other way) is to make a commitment for the next three weeks to show up every day. It was only when I started blogging every single day no matter what that I feel my blog became worth reading.
Do you have any other things that help you along in the creative path? Leave a comment here or over at ReddTurtle's. I'm looking forward to the dialogue. And thanks.