Here are toys my daughters will get "over Santa's dead body."

This is the latest fashion doll, MyScene's Kennedy, whose expression can change "with the touch of a button." Generally she is either smirking or has a gigantic O face, and just look at the kinds of things that get her excited:

Don't doubt for a minute that these dolls are designed for the kindergarden set. And as bad as these dolls are, look at this. With the "Swappin Styles" dolls, if you don't like your doll's mood, you can transplant her head.

Not under my tree, you don't.
I loathe toys like this.
ReplyDeleteThere were a brand of toys called "Bratz" out this time last year that apparently were all designed to look like Paris Hilton.
What a great role model for young girls!
What a great way to inform young women right from the get-go that they should be valued for showing off skin and should not aspire to be like, that smart.
One of my co-workers at the time had purchased the whole set for her daughter. And when I called her out on it she said, "Oh well. She's already been exposed to it. Nothing I can do!"
Well, you can TAKE THEM AWAY and not continue to reinforce a negative stereotype of women!
And don't get me started on Disney, either.
"But mommy, I want to grow up and be the Other Woman!"
OrganicGeorge, you should know that the Christmas tree "yül log" is not Christian at all, but a borrowed tradition of Germanic Pagans.
ReplyDeleteAs for the dolls with the swappable heads, what ever happened to a woman's prerogative to change her mind? [/sarcasm]
Bratz. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad the good Lord did not give me female offspring. That way, I don't have to deal with crap like this.
It's no wonder our gilrs have so much to deal with. We sure do start them young.
I can't tell the difference between any of those expressions. No wonder I have so much trouble reading people, especially women.
ReplyDeleteIt still looks smarter than the Paris Hilton doll.
ReplyDeleteNow, doesn't that make you wish you had a boy? That way, you could just buy a PlayStation with "Grand Theft Auto" and pat yourself on the back as a loving, responsible parent.
ReplyDeleteGTA. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteWe have worked really hard to keep that kind of garbage out of the house, but it hasn't been easy.
And, there's always what happens when the boys play elsewhere...
Add "Dress like a Ho" Barbie to the list of reasons why I am thankful I have boys instead of girls. Here's another: recently, while walking through a major chain department store, I passed through the Junior Miss section and saw THONGS with clever sayings on the crotch (i.e., "Hot Stuff"). What kind of godless pedophiles are designing THONGS for prepubescent girls? What the HELL kind of message does shit like that send? GAHHHH!!!
ReplyDeleteI seem to recall a love doll with that expression, for some reason. Er, but I'm only guessing.