Wednesday, November 3

Move on and org

Mad or sad? The best revenge is forgiveness. I've resigned myself to four more years. This will not be as bad as we think. The country survived Nixon, Reagan, and Bush one, it will survive this. And the loyal opposition is ready. We lefties are addicted to smug, and Bush is funnier than Kerry: the next four years will be good ones for Al Franken, The Daily Show, and The Onion.

Drove Audrey to Montessori school this morning and on the way we listened to "NO!" by They Might Be Giants. It is, of course, the context of the time, but this morning the album seemed incredibly political.

I dedicate "Fibber Island" to Fox News:

Here on Fibber Island
No one sings along
We just ride giraffes
And wear bicycles for hats

To get to Fibber Island
You just close your eyes
Start fibbin' in your mind
And see what you can find

I dedicate "NO!" to Republican Election officials in Ohio:

No plus no equals no
All nos lead to no no no

Finger pointing, eyebrows low
Mouth in the shape of the letter O

and I dedicate "Sleepwalkers" to self-satisfied Bush voters everywhere:

Move aside and let the people go by
They don't see you
Thinking that they're home in their beds
They must not be disturbed
When they're wandering all across the country
And they're walking in their sleep

Perhaps when they awake
They'll remember everything
They'll think it was a dream
It will be forgotten then

But don't make any noise
Cry out loud or stamp your feet
You'll wake the girls and boys
Who are walking in their sleep

1 comment:

  1. "We lefties are addicted to smug, and Bush is funnier than Kerry: the next four years will be good ones for Al Franken, The Daily Show, and The Onion."

    from one blue girl in a red state to another - that was very well said!


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