Friday, February 26

This weekend: Two podcasts! Here's one.

The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal

The Podcast that almost didn't pod, or cast!

February 25, 2010

This is the podcast we recorded right before Blue Gal received that fundraising letter from Michael Steele that made Driftglass so mad. We cover the jobless future of America, the dearth of Republican intellectuals and how we miss 'em, and how the 50's nuclear family was only possible under a rare and unusual economic boom-time anomaly. Plus we laugh. (originally scheduled for broadcast 2/17)

Support the show

Because the podcasting hours for this month are paid for, we decided to post the show we recorded before that letter from Michael Steele arrived at my house: the letter that made Driftglass so mad.

We've recorded another one for this week which will be posted sometime in the next few days. Thanks very much for your moral and financial support. We need and appreciate both.


  1. What!? David Brooks isn't a conservative intellectual?

  2. StonyPillow7:40 AM

    Cast your discourse upon the pods, for after many days you will find it again.

    Give portions to seven, yea to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.


I really look forward to hearing what you have to say. I do moderate comments, but non-spam comments will take less than 24 hours to appear... Thanks!